Catfish & Serial Killers Part 1

Have you seen the movieCatfish“? I have not, but learned about it while reading an article on Notre Dame football star Manti Te’o and his fake online girlfriend’s death. If you do not know the story, he had an online relationship with some one he then believed died. This was talked about during games and received other national news coverage. Then it was discovered that  the girlfriend was not real and Mante Te’o was a victim of an online hoax.

So this led me to the movie Catfish where a similar situation had happened during the filming of a documentary. I also learned the Urban Dictionary‘s definition of:

1. catfish
A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they’re not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.

Now the movie is questioned to be a mockumenty which, since no one involved seems to confirm or deny this, it could mean that the movie itself is a hoax  exposing the world to this strange misuse of social media.  A lucrative but harmless as well as informative hoax. But as in the Manti Te’o story, Catfishing is not so harmless and it’s only evolving into much more dangerous places.

And just to get on an ongoing  blog theme here without getting off topic. I said before that we are not using the tools around us (in this case the internet) to move forward. We use things to lie and fool each other. We play games.

Facebook pages of possible serial killer victims?

I ran across the above link while looking up info on the Long Island Serial Killer. For reasons I will get into in part 2 of this blog, the story of a missing Craigslist call girl leading to the discovery of  4 other bodies of missing Craigslist call girls, and then other bodies as well before the body of the girl they were originally looking for, Shannon Gilbert, was finally found, has stuck in my head ever since I saw a story on 48 Hours.

That’s a link to  the 48 Hours story on Shannon Gilbert and what her disappearance led to, for those who want to get a jump on part 2 of this 3 part blog.

To come away from the dark side and end on a good note. THANK YOU to my new followers! I should write “blog” followers.  Don’t wan t anyone to think I’m trying to recreate the T.V. show “The Following”.  Although I do like the show… and it’s story line dealing with a serial killer using the internet to gather other twisted people to help in his games does fit into where I am going with all this. Damn, still kinda ended on the dark side.

To Be Continued…

69 Responses to “Catfish & Serial Killers Part 1”

  1. Reblogged this on Catching LISK and commented:
    Zero’s blogged thoughts on the “Catfish” part of this.

  2. Now to leave my thoughts re: the post.

    I’m only slightly familiar w/the football player’s experience. Last update I heard the “girlfriend” was interviewed by Dr. Phil? I think?

    The woman at the center of the Catfish documentary was later interviewed and when asked WHY she did it, she said she had been diagnosed schizophrenic.

    Last thought: 48 Hrs (previously Mystery) was how I first heard of this case. It was the follow-up episode (after Shannan’s body was found) that infuriated me.

  3. ive said it before and ill say it again..nobody should be posting personal info on any blogger..arrest records not important.

    just for the record, i believed cph might have been writing scripts too..never got attacked for it??

    • It’s safe to say no one got attacked like mm7 did, not even flukeyou. But since I an still unsure who anyone truly is, I can not truly say how I fell about it, I mean if MM7 is CB then her info leaking out is pretty messed up, she had a right like anyone eles to sleuth and blog about her beliefs. Now if MM7 leaked out her info and it is false because she is someone connected to the case, well then. I don’t really believe that, but there is soooo much here that seems again the best way I can put it is “not right”. I would love to know who PS149 really is. That would help me in knowing for sure Fluke and MM7 are, but without that knowledge I will have to believe MM7 is CB and Fluke is JS. But again, I look at it all with an open mind. How’s this? maybe everyone is CPH or the Drifter or someone envolved, and is playing both sides with these screen names. How crazy would that be? All I’m saying, that even with Facebooks and Twitters, anyone can be anyone, it is kinda the main point of my blog. But I will try to het out how I feel about all of this in part 3. it is almost done, kinda long, but what can I say, you guys have created quite the CONUNDRUM.

      • Lmao @ “how crazy would that be”!!!

        I will know who ps149 is in due time. I won’t know until the US Attorney prosecutes him/her/them for his/her/their FEDERAL crimes. Then everyone will see I am who I say I am and always have been, and my information was given by someone unknown to me. Whether or not I had given my info to someone knowingly and they passed on the info publicly, I’m not sure of at this point.

  4. shit hit the fan on lisk because first and last names were used, by both parties, along with phone numbers and places of employment..only interest in DB for me, arose when ps149 said there is a picture of him with fluke??

    • Yes, I get into all the personal info and the removal from in part 3, I should have it up later today.

    • Shit hit the fan when mine/my husband’s phone numbers were posted and we got phone calls threatening the lives of our CHILDREN. Why? Because I said “Jim Jones” is a lying sack of shit?

    • Where have you ever seen a pic of my husband and fluke? Because it doesn’t exist. So because ps149 claimed that he found a pic of them together, that makes it ok for him to post our phone numbers. I have Michael Dougherty’s number and address, and I’ve never published that.

  5. i became to believe fluke created many different ‘sock puppets’ to further alienate mm7..meaning, that she would only come to trust him..jmho

  6. MM7 you love to split hairs…you mentioned exactly which pizza place…but by all means keep making yourself look like the poor victim who never offended anyone..good lord woman, you never give up…who cares at this point?? no one of us is helping in this fashion

  7. you love trying to make me look stupid..continue if you must..but why??

  8. its ALWAYS about everyone and ANYONE else..i get it

  9. if you were paying close attention, you would have noticed i questioned him and ps149..more interested in calling me a sock puppet than actually paying attn..

  10. your attitude toward me however offensive, does not help further OUR cause

  11. I never said ps149 should have posted anything about you personally at all..started questioning him as soon as he put up his latest posts, he ignored most you know i have DEFENDED you to HIM, and once asked him to leave the site completely for bothering you..remember????

  12. ive never hurt you..only defended..why can;’t you be honest about that??..i give up

    • Melissa Cann Says:

      Ok I think this is going to far. Mm7 why attack Jim when he has not done nothing to you. I know Jim and his real name. I have talked to him face to face. NEVER has he mention he knows who was at brewers that night. What us your motive for this all?

      • there is so much he said/she said. it would be nice to hear what jim jones has to say about this.

      • Melissa Cann Says:

        Dont you see this women Mm7 has turn this case into troll heaven. She is the one putting people names out there. She dont relize the trolls over at lisk had followed her and now post crap to upset her causr that is what they do. None of them are real posters just some bored teen behind a computet messing with people. I know this cause I have been on lisk since day one. See I dont need a a fake user name to hide. If ur not sure who I am just google my name. But Mm7 has turn this case online about her n it is not it is about 11 victims n justice.

      • “He has *not* done *nothing*.” Ponder that statement.

        My full name, private Facebook page, my husband’s name, my mother’s name, and my sister’s name were ALL posted before I said Jim Jones’ name is Michael Dougherty.

        For a case that was talked about for 2 YEARS before I had anything to say on it, it appears what I have said, opposed to what those for 2 years before me had to say, struck a nerve so great that my identity was plastered everywhere and the LISK site (and FB page) has been SHUT DOWN.

        So is it some “teen troll”? I doubt some “teen troll” has the power to get the entire site shut down. If that were the case, admin would have kicked the troll to the curb before it got to the point of the need for a FEDERAL INVESTIGATION.

        Zero, a little heads up, Melissa Cann hasn’t been seen or heard from in about a year by the other victims’ families. There’s a background story that I won’t say because the REAL Melissa Cann is the sister of one of the victims. That is why this SOCK PUPPET (not teen troll) chooses to use her name opposed to the names of any of other family members. The same happened on my blog, as well.

      • Melissa Cann Says:

        Why should Jim feed into this? She is the one who brought Jim into her blog. Dont you think it is really messed up what she did? Cause while mm7 is safe in another state Jim lives on LI. Where a serial killer is..

      • Melissa Cann Says:

        I think mm7 has gotten lost in this all. Truth is lisj from day one has had good people and just trolls ” bored lonely teenagers who thinkk it us funny to mess with people on there. trust me it happen ti me all the time. I am afraid she is feeding into the fakes and is attacking the real people who are looking and seeking the same tthing. She wass listening to everything fluke says. I jjust ask to please sway this away from attacking others who r here for the same reason. Ignore the trolls trust me if you have been into this case as long as I have you learn to filter out thee trolls.

  13. Except for the fact that Michael Dougherty has been blogging about this case LONG before I.

    Last I checked, the serial killer goes after petite women, not short men.

    • Melissa Cann Says:

      First of all you know nothing about me. I know what you are talking about but nor do you know that it has all been situated… Mm7 I was pregnant and had some very important healh issues to deal with. So get me rigth before you think I am a troll. Do whatever you please but please dont turn this invesigation about you and not the victims that is what I am asking.

      • I actually think NOTHING badly about you and believed something was probably wrong for the accusations that have been made to be true, and have actually stated so to the people who told me the accusations.

  14. Melissa Cann Says:

    What you do to the trolls to get them to go away. What lisk admin does everytime it gets out of control… Shut down for a little while. Ordo what I do ignore them. Do not reply to them. Pretend they are not there. They get their thrills over this. If you ignore them they will eventally go away and find somewhere else to troll.

  15. Please pull down the email, Zero!

  16. Reading the comment about pregnancy makes me believe she is actually who she says she is. Please don’t expose her email.

  17. Thank you, Zero! There have been many fake emails along with fake names being used. Fyi, it would be wise to get an email notification of every comment so you can weed through the fakes.

  18. appreciate if each and every one of u sock puppets leave my wife alone. she has her issues i know and I see to it that she takes the happy pills prescribed to her to help cope with her emotional issues. she is a good person.

  19. LogicalPsycho Says:

    Well…….. I see this blog is quickly turning into another….

    @Dan B, LMFAO….. Maybe MMommy7 could share some of her happy pills with the rest of us???

  20. Please remove ALL references to Dorothy and dhill immediately or I will report this blog to the Legal Department of on Friday morning. This is a Federal criminal case and I ask that you respect all those who have been victims of this crime ring, including my family and me. Thank you.

    • I am going to remove the last name, even though I have no real reason to know who this is asking me to do so. DPH has and still is on other blogs, my reason of using it was to find out if the “real” DPH even knew any of this was going on or is it was just someone’s name that someone eles picked off the internet. But in fairness I will remove the last name, but using Dorothy or DPH seems fair to me, since it is part of what has been going on here.

      • The Drone Pilot Says:

        Dorothy has been very vocal. she filed a lawsuit against Joe because he stalked her at her bank with her ex husband.

      • My point was that it could be “anyone” comenting there. I’m not an insider, these names mean nothing to me, but the comments and games spoke volumes to me.

    • Decided to edit it down to just the letter D. Again, I do not know any of these names or how they are really involved, or even what it is they are involved in in. I came across these sites and felt like I entered some erie soap opera. My posts are simply to make some sense out of it, if possible.

  21. […] If you are just coming to this blog it may seem confusing, many have told me that it is hard to keep up with who is who. And that is understandable, even those involved in all of this are not sure of who EVERYONE truly is. And with all the fake screen names, well it’s my blog and I get lost. I am gonna try to keep this on track and look at it all from the beginning to now making it somewhat easier to understand. But I admit this blog is mainly for those who were regulars on (and websleuth, though my readings there are very limited, though it seems much like just with administrators who try harder and eliminating the game aspect). No mater who you are reading this I feel it is best to start at the beginning and read it all especially the comments. But this is time-consuming I know, and to be honest might leave you even more confused. So I would suggest to at least read a couple posts on my other (now in limbo) blog.  (some people call it “the red and black blog”, I like that). There is a 3 part blog starting with this one: […]

  22. […] You can also check out my 3 part blog I wrote on the Red & Black when I first came across Mysterymom7′s blog: […]

  23. This is getting Very Pathetic!!
    I KNOW all of your Real names.
    Please get a life or talk about someone else.
    Stop talking about my daughter Shannan.
    Thank you!

    • I would like to reply to this, but I truly feel I have done nothing slanderous and I have done nothing but treated the true victims in these cases and their families with the ultmost respect. My blog was about those who did these things. But now it seems my name is being passed around and lies told about me. I was just someone who saw 48 hours and looked into the case, I blogged about all the things I saw and read. I look bad now because all the crazies pulled there stuff. But because i have nothing to hide nor any agenda I leave mine up and my character is attacked. So please, do not lesten to what people may try to tell you about me mari. My idenity is not hidden, I’m nobody. A father from Las Vegas who saw something wrong being done on the internet. I am sorry if my blog has upset you, it was not my intention. But these games by these people have been going on for a long time. Dorothy and cristin have put up lies including names of anyone who happens to read there stuff and disagree with it. I will not be one of those people. These games are evil and are messing not only with the LISK case, but others who see this and get pulled in. I say this again, when i started reading about this I believed the doctor was stalking Cristin, because that is what i read. I wrote because i felt those i wrote about were wrong to take these tragic cases and make them about themselves. but it seems now people are acusing me of this. I have done my best not to make this blog about the actual LISK case but about those who used it for there own games. But these people i blogged about had wrapped themselves up in it and there was no way around it. I have children, so my heart goes out to all the families of these and the many other’s who are taken a way by the actions of heartless people. which is why when i read all the stuff being said about this case i had to speak out. But if my blog is taken to be just as interfering than i will stop. But I will not stop talking about Dorothy who has included me in all her BS and who now probably has my name and will do her best to connect me to her mindless connections, nor Cristin, who made in my opinon the lying blog that really took the stuff to another level. She keeps giving out everyones information and is now holding my idenity hostage.

      • Just curious, and not my call, but what of the victims family members who have said repeatedly you’re blog has been helpful?? It is NOT you who have lied, but there have been games going on for far too long by those in contact with these families..all those games and slander get a pass?? Now you’re the criminal…wild stuff. BTW since when has info about you been a secret?? just sayin youre stuff has been up for years??

      • Thank you Linda, and there are those who have found my blog helpfull. But it has become more gamey now that those i exposed had to get rid of there own blogs etc. So I will bring it to an end for now, after the 7 days are up. But still nothing from Cristin? how can she do to me what others did to her? How long before dorothy put’s my wife or friends into her agenda? how long before someone makes a blog or twitter or facebook trying to mock my life in a misleading way?

      • YEP..MANY HERE PLAYS GAMES, lot of HYPOCRITES TOO….RIGHT EVERYONE lol JMO no more secrets at all..please

      • Zero, you do what you have to, as you have accomplished the main goal of exposing evil anyone can seem so ungrateful after all you’ve exposed is wild, then again…nevamind..just take it from where it comes. MANY have said thank you, thats a GOOD feeling..

        I wouldnt worry about dopey though..she’s just well, a dope. fits right in with the dopey crowd..nice “team”

      • i agree zero. and if mari wants to believe the lies that have been fed to her im sorry, but,MARI open your eyes. joey, cristin, dorothy and jen have done you wrong, and in the process have hurt many others. not forgivable and i will never let it go. joe has taken you for a ride. it is as simple as that. cristin is an eveil bitch and dorothy is plain old whacked out. jen? i just don’t know….

        there are those thrown into this that have been defamed because of a personal vendetta by a borderline freak. his meddling with YOUR case is criminal

      • TCTH, I agree…but my post got moderated!! You said it best though..Thanks 🙂

  24. […] nothing from Mysterymom7. But the latest comment left on my Red & Black Blog by Mari:… tells me my identity is already being twisted and passed around. I don’t get it, I said I […]

  25. Greetings! I’ve been following your site for some time now and
    finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Houston Texas!

    Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic work!

    • Thanks! You know, Dorothy has tried to connect me to Houston a few times, I think it’s because nancy lived there at one time or something, and she loves to twist Nancy inot still believeing nancy’s ex, Mike is part of this blog and other things to keep Nancy ob her “TEAM”. Though I have no real connections to Houston, I appreciate the readers I have from there! It’s very obvious to me now, I’m not the only one who finds all these internet comments and postings from this group of people interesting… and even though i thought we have gone as far as we could and not sure if this cast of characters was worth following any longer, I have realized there is still the whys… and we are gonna try to figure that out, so stay tooned!

  26. […] Catfish & Serial Killers Part 1 […]

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